Janet Welsh (past Event)
What: Monthly Meeting with Stitch Doctor!
Where: Woodroffe United Church, 207 Woodroffe Ave
When: 2024-11-18 at 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

"I’m an avid knitter and professionally trained designer, based in Ottawa, Canada. I draw on a wide variety of influences for inspiration in the design of colourwork mittens.

I love knitting. Generally speaking at any given time, I’d rather be knitting. When I’m not knitting, I usually have a pattern idea working itself out in the back of my mind. I also love watching TV because it gives me a reason to sit on the couch and knit.

I have a husband, a son and a dog and they all appreciate that I need to be knitting. As long as I’m knitting (or thinking about knitting) all is well in the house.

Benefits of wool:
I prefer to work with wool, as it offers the following benefits:
• Breathable, moisture wicking, and odour resistant.
• Natural, renewable and biodegradable.
• Being 100% biodegradable, it does not contribute to microplastic pollution in our oceans or on our land.
• Best choice for the environment - producing wool uses less energy than producing polyester, and significantly less water than producing cotton."

For her designs:

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